
Monday, May 12, 2014

Dallas Press Conference

Shailene, John and Nat all participated in a small press conference in Dallas the day after the Dallas Demand Our Stars event. John talked a little bit about how the screenwriters, Scott and Mike, got involved in TFIOS and how they were great and captured the tone of John's book. John also discusses the purpose of TFIOS and An Imperial Affliction and how both portray teens struggling with identity, and dealing with real emotions and desires. Shailene and John also talked about how Hazel and Augustus' relationship isn't perfect. The crew are moved by the fact that this story and movie is bigger than themselves.

"It's really amazing because we are involved in something that is going to reach lot of people and has the ability to... John has really changed people's lives," Nat said. "It even hit me harder last night when this girl came on stage and she was crying. She had cancer and she was crying about how much the book meant to her and we were all giving her a hug on stage. Then everyone in the whole audience started shouting her name. And then I thought 'This is beautiful.' We are involved in something so much bigger than our careers, so much bigger than this movie, so much bigger than us."

Shailene adds that John has created a sense of community and acceptance for weirdness, which is something she wishes she would've had growing up. They talked about preparing for their roles, TFIOS being about more than just romantic love. Also John revealed that TFIOS was the first movie to be allowed to film in Anne Frank's House.

Check out the amazing press conference below:

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